I’m trying to convert an Icosahedron sphere to hexagons following the steps shown in this tutorial:
The problem happens when I select the edges and try to Melt/Merge them as described in the tutorial. Instead of being left with a sphere made of just hexes, each hex has what looks to be extraneous edges running through each one as shown in the attached screen grab
I want to be able to manipulate each hex individually with an effector and PolyFX. When I select a hex it acts like a single polygon, but my HUD says 7 polys are selected, and PolyFX splits all of the individual polys, NOT the hexes. If I go to EDGE mode I can’t even select those edges to manually delete them. I see they’re a slightly different color than the ones comprising each hex shapes. What the heck are these and why are they being generated when I do this operation? I have a feeling I’m missing something very simple.
I’ve also attached a scene file.
Shawn Marshall
Marshall Arts Motion Graphics