I thought I’d throw this out to see if someone can notice something in this scene file.
I’m using CV-VR cam which is working great, and I render my text separate from the scene so I can make changes without full long renders. In this scene, if you render take 1 which is the first piece of text to go with the scene, it’s taking quite a long time per frame (on my system about 14 secs). I notice that the buckets are rendering in areas where nothing exists. I would think the renderer would only have to evaluate areas where the text is?
Does this have something to to with the take system, CV VR cam render, or a strange setting. IE, if you look at the render, the area where text exists is only about 2 secs, but all the black around it is being evaluated for another 12 secs. Thought I’d ask.
PS. - I could not post the scene file here for some reason, I kept getting an error message, so I posted the file to my Microsoft one drive account here: