Hi, I am having an issue with C4D (R19) rendering an extra RGB pass to the Object Buffer pass directory. I just walked in expecting an overnight 8 hour render to be complete on my team render farm to find its not even half way. Hoping someone has a simple answer…
I have a Regular Image path set to save PNGs in one folder & one Object Buffer pass with PNGs saved to a seperate folder. When I did my test renders I got what I expect = an RGB pass in the Regular Image path folder and just the Object buffer matte images saved to the Multi-Image path folder. However, I now have had another set of RGB images saved into the Object Buffer folder along with the matte images. And its seems this not just copy of the RGB images but a second render pass, hence my double render times! Is this a Team Render (using Render Cue) issue?
Thanks for any help, my deadline is looming.