Motion Clip in Cinema4D Lite?
I am following an online tutorial that imports Fuse 3D models and animates the various animations together. However, to do this I need to use Animate/Add Motion Clip. But in my Lite version it is not...
View ArticleMesh (UI Design)
I have made a ‘Plane’ (is the photo below). How colour to it a Cinema 4D object like the Plane/Mesh in the video below….
View Articlecustom clones
Hello, Can you please help me, I spend so much time searching for my problem.Is it possible to position the clones as we want ?In fact, I would like to create this visual with spheres as clones. But i...
View ArticleChange increments points are moved
I’m making adjustments to some points in a scene based on 1cm display. I don’t have snap enabled but when I try making subtle adjustments the points move way to far with the slightest move.I assume...
View ArticleShow Motion clips Ghost not showing for Mixamo clips on MAC
I’m following gall the tutorials (I looked at many) and they all seem to show the ghosted motion clips from Mixamo. I did “Make clip and have the motion tag. I’m trying to match up the end of one clip...
View ArticleVolume Builder and Fields (S22)
I am trying to recreate this effect of the floor liner appearing as it flows across the floor.(Melting 2_800x600)I took a CAD file of an indoor mat, made a volume using .1cm voxel size, then used a...
View ArticleSpline Wrap dynamics
HiI made a spinning convecor belt made with splinewrap. I want to put products on the belt with dynamics using the bodytags. When the belt spins and i want to drop a product it does not stick on the...
View ArticleClones within clones on a spline
HI looking for a way to take a row of sphere, that are built in a clone, then multiply that clones with the spheres, and have many rows of spheres all animating along a spline. I have the basic idea,...
View ArticleCMotion fo rmocap along a spline.
Ok, this looks really interesting..and addresses all the everyday problems of a foot slip in normal versions mobcap along a spline. Is there a video training series that would teach on about hit black...
View Articleaovs, mulripass, physical shaders and compositing
Hello, I am using the C4D physical renderer and a physical shader with three layers (diffuse, phong,phong) and I would like to separate each layer into an aov or separate channel for compositing. Right...
View ArticleSome bugs (I Think) in s22
Hello, some issues I have found in s22: - Sometimes when you try to copy with Control (Windows user), the copy just don’t happen with drag and drop in viewport (but works fine in object manager);-...
View ArticleProRender shadows
Using ProRender, can i control the shadows at all? Their “darkness”, or “on or off” or which items casts or receives them?I have attached a file, where I need the shadows pointed at in a screen grab,...
View ArticleSky HDRI zoon-in / zoom-out….?
Hi,Using sky HDRI in a scene with shadow catcher.Is there way to do HDRI zoom-in or zoom-out to fit the HDRI area in my object placement…? Thanks, Imran.
View ArticleTextures Disappears When Put Under Cloner?
Hi, For some reason, my texture disappears when put under cloner. You can check the problem here: there...
View ArticleUnable to view project
Good evening, I just started using Maxon Cinema 4D and every time I open a new file a black canvas showes in my viewport. I tried selecting an object to see if that’s how the file should open and...
View ArticleStacking UV
Hi,How can I stack UV… up and down (selected), it is by manual placement or any key to do that…?Thanks. Imran.
View Articleodd GI baking for VR
Hi.I’m trying to come up with a preset for a GI bake, for VR.The results you see in the small jpg: (a larger one is in the zip file) The render from the camera view looks fine, but when I use the same...
View ArticleMoves By Maxon
I’ve installed Moves By Maxon (MBM) in my R21 and iPhone RX. I’ve been able to successfully create a face capture and load it into R21. The online MBM videos do a good job of showing how to do those...
View ArticleRendering differences between R16, R19 and R21
Hello,I got a project from a client which was created in R16 and R19, I have to adjust animations but it does render the highlights really weird. In R21 the highlights fdrom the HDRI totally burn...
View ArticleDynamic Spline
Hi,Spline with sweap, falling in floor…?I tried but it snot colliding with floor and not bending.Example: Thanks. ...
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